copying KEY to GROUPING error
System Version: Mac OS X 10.5.8 (9L30)
Version: Beatunes2 2.1.5
After I recently updated to this version of BeaTunes, when I
attempt to analyze songs and copy the KEY into the GROUPING field,
Beatunes locks up and displays the following message:
"java.lang.IncompataibleClassChangeError: Found interface
com.tagtraum.beatunes.library.ITunesMusicLibrary, But class was
Once this error is encountered, the only "fix" is to close Beatunes and go to Library>Application Support>beaTunes>Database and then delete the Database forward.
Beatunes is properly detecting BPM and Key and seems to be importing lyrics properly, as well as synching these variables with iTunes. However, as soon as I try and use the copy key function, this crash occurs...
Help. I use the KEY (by way of the grouping field) in several playlists and would like to get this feature working again...
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Support Staff 1 Posted by hendrik on 21 Mar, 2010 10:07 AM
please simply update the plugin - there is a newer version in the news blog.