lost license key

Manfred Chvosta's Avatar

Manfred Chvosta

19 Jan, 2024 08:38 AM

Dear beatunes-Team.
I had a terrific system-crash and had to rebuild my MAC-OS environment from scratch. Seems that I lost my license-key for beatunes. After recovery I have to type-in the license-key, because software is in trial-mode. I'm not sure what was the initial-version but I was upgraded on 5-version latest. Can you help me with my license-key?
Kind regards, Manfred-Vienna

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by hendrik on 19 Jan, 2024 11:34 AM

    hendrik's Avatar

    Please visit https://www.beatunes.com/en/recoverkey.html to retrieve your key.



    Am 19.01.2024 um 09:40 schrieb Manfred Chvosta <[email blocked]>:

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    // Please reply above this line

    From: Manfred Chvosta <[email blocked]>

    Dear beatunes-Team.
    I had a terrific system-crash and had to rebuild my MAC-OS environment from scratch. Seems that I lost my license-key for beatunes. After recovery I have to type-in the license-key, because software is in trial-mode. I'm not sure what was the initial-version but I was upgraded on 5-version latest. Can you help me with my license-key?
    Kind regards, Manfred-Vienna

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