server errors?

Roz  Schneider's Avatar

Roz Schneider

11 Mar, 2010 05:18 PM

I'm new to Beatunes so I hope I'm making some typical beginner mistake (I downloaded a trial version last year, I didn't have a chance to use it). Every time I try to analyze a song, I get a message that it's being sent to the Analysis queue and then a message that a server error occured, and nothing shows up in my queue. I attach a snap shot of the error screen below.
Please let me know if you need more info.
Roz Schneider

  1. 1 Posted by Byron McKay on 11 Mar, 2010 05:33 PM

    Byron McKay's Avatar

    I'm having the same issue with a licensed copy 2.1.5. OS X 10.6.2, not sure what the Java version is.

  2. Support Staff 2 Posted by hendrik on 11 Mar, 2010 06:37 PM

    hendrik's Avatar


    somehow that screenshot got lost.. Can you please attach it through the web interface?



  3. 3 Posted by Roz Schneider on 11 Mar, 2010 07:10 PM

    Roz Schneider's Avatar

    Dear Hendrik,
      I'm using Mac OS 10.6.2 also and I think the Java version is 13.1. I'm putting the screen shot inline below and below that is the info about Java
    Did you want me to post this online too?


    Java Web Start:

      Version: 13.1.0
      Last Modified: 7/20/09 4:35 PM
      Kind: Universal
      64-Bit (Intel): Yes
      Location: /System/Library/CoreServices/Java Web


  4. Support Staff 4 Posted by hendrik on 11 Mar, 2010 08:20 PM

    hendrik's Avatar


    there was a problem with the server.. can you please try again? It should work now.



  5. Support Staff 5 Posted by hendrik on 11 Mar, 2010 08:21 PM

    hendrik's Avatar


    To circumvent the server, just uncheck all the "use online resources" checkboxes and beaTunes won't even try to talk to the server.


  6. 6 Posted by Roz Schneider on 11 Mar, 2010 09:55 PM

    Roz Schneider's Avatar

    Well, I'm not getting the same message, but I'm not getting any analysis either. The selected song or songs don't show up in my "task queue" at all, even if they were ones that were previously analyzed.
    OH SIGH . . .

  7. Support Staff 7 Posted by hendrik on 11 Mar, 2010 10:23 PM

    hendrik's Avatar

    So what does happen?
    And do you have any of the "use online resources" checkboxes checked? Also, how many songs are you trying to send to the queue?



  8. 8 Posted by Roz Schneider on 11 Mar, 2010 11:19 PM

    Roz Schneider's Avatar

    It's strange, I tried analyzing a single song and it didn't show up either in the "task queue" or as analyzed on the "music" screen, then I tried adding an album of about 10 songs and they didn't show up, then I tried sending one that was already analyzed and it didn't show up either. When I saw your suggestion about unchecking the "use online resources" boxes, I unchecked them and then tried again with the same results. So so far I've not seen anything in the screen that shows my "task queue", however when I restarted the program just now, I saw that one of all those songs (and I don't remember if it was pre- or post- unchecking!) has been analyzed!
    I'll be away for a few hours, but thanks for your assistance and I'll check in when I get back.
    PS. I really want to buy this program but of course I need to be sure I can use it first!

  9. Support Staff 9 Posted by hendrik on 12 Mar, 2010 08:18 AM

    hendrik's Avatar


    depending on the selected analysis steps the overall analysis of just a few songs may be very quick - especially when you use those online resources, as they may take care of everything before the songs make it into the queue. It's essentially a two step process.


  10. Support Staff 10 Posted by hendrik on 26 Mar, 2010 02:42 PM

    hendrik's Avatar

    To give advice, I really need more info.
    Like what is "many more"? 50? 100? 100000?
    Were any of the "use online resources" checkboxes on?
    Do you see any messages? If so what exactly do they say?


  11. 11 Posted by jdoukas on 29 Mar, 2010 08:07 AM

    jdoukas's Avatar

    You are absolutely right!!! Sorry for the missing infos.

    Well, before I answer, during this weekend I re-installed Beatunes.

    The problem remains but....there is no REAL problem. For a strange (for me)
    reason, the s/w does analyze songs (1, 2, 10, 1000, 3000 etc.) BUT it
    doesn’t show the analysis-results at once (as it used to) !!! Only if, for
    example, I change the sorting order in any column, after a while all the
    results (p.e. Color, key etc.) are present !!!

    It seems that the same thing happened at the first time (before my
    troubleshooting e-mail to you) and I considered it as a bug because I didn’t
    see any analysis results.

    Now regarding your questions:

    In any case, there are no messages at all.
    Speaking about “on line resources”, I’ve tried them a few times with a small
    number of songs (i.e one or two albums).

    Generally speaking, the final verdict so far is: With online resources on or
    off, with any combination of Song-analyze choices, the analysis happens BUT
    the are no results at-once (even for 1 or 2 songs...). The results are
    illustrated into their columns only after resorting a column.

    My song iTunes-database contains about 75,000 songs.



  12. 12 Posted by Clayce on 29 Mar, 2010 10:26 PM

    Clayce's Avatar

    I just installed Beatunes. Everytime I try to analyze even a single song with the "use online resources" check turned on I always get the same result.... I get an error message "a server error occurred, please try again later" and then it goes ahead and just calculates the bpm and seems to work fine. The question I have does the onliine resources thing ever work, or did I just happen to install and now am trying to use it at a bad time?

    thanks for the input.


  13. 13 Posted by Humberto Carril... on 29 Mar, 2010 10:38 PM

    Humberto Carrillo's Avatar

    I have just the same issue. I have installed beatunes for a while and never have problems analizying the songs before. I have just updated my version to 2.1.5 and thats when the problem appears.

    Best Regards,

  14. Support Staff 14 Posted by hendrik on 30 Mar, 2010 09:15 AM

    hendrik's Avatar


    that "server error" problem should be fixed - it wasn't a problem in beaTunes, but on the server side.


  15. 15 Posted by Clayce on 30 Mar, 2010 07:52 PM

    Clayce's Avatar

    Thanks Hendrik, it is working fine now.

  16. hendrik closed this discussion on 05 Aug, 2010 10:08 AM.

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