Wrong BPM detection results to a certain subgeneres of songs

Kuro's Avatar


28 Jul, 2023 08:56 AM

I applied beaTunes5 to the tango waltz ("vals" as written in Spanish) and tango milonga songs. And the detected BPMs are usually half or one third of the actual values. For example, tango waltz is usually around 200 bpm but beaTunes shows BPMs around 60-120. Only one song was detected correctly. Is there any "knobs" that I can change to improve the accuracy of the algorithm ?

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by hendrik on 31 Jul, 2023 07:47 PM

    hendrik's Avatar

    Hey Kuro,

    In the analysis options for the BPM task, set the range to 110-220 for your tango waltz songs and turn "Use online resource" off.

    May I ask, what exactly is the content of the genre field for the songs in question? "vals", "tango waltz" or something completely different?



  2. 2 Posted by Kuro on 29 Aug, 2023 07:39 PM

    Kuro's Avatar

    I might have missed your answer. But I tried limiting the BPM range but the beatunes ignored my range... I don't remember if I turned off the Use online resource.

    The genres I'm using are "tango vals" and "tango milonga" but these are custom genre names I defined. Most digital music stores tag them as "Latin", too broad genre that isn't useful to me. Is beatunes actually using the genre information for BPM detection?

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by hendrik on 30 Aug, 2023 06:45 AM

    hendrik's Avatar

    But I tried limiting the BPM range but the beatunes ignored my range... I don't remember if I turned off the Use online resource.

    Using online resources means that values are looked up in a database. This is usually a good idea for popular music or DRM-crippled music. In your case, for maximum control, I'd recommend turning it off.

    The genres I'm using are "tango vals" and "tango milonga" but these are custom genre names I defined. Most digital music stores tag them as "Latin", too broad genre that isn't useful to me.

    Latin is indeed too broad and of little use.

    Is beatunes actually using the genre information for BPM detection?


    Some genres, especially dance music genres, have defined BPM ranges. E.g. a Viennese Waltz typically has a tempo around 180 BPM, never 90 BPM. If the tracks is tagged "Viennese Waltz", beaTunes will take this into account. The same is true for Jive, Foxtrott, Slow Waltz, Drum'n'Bass and a list of other genres.

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