repairing database

brunogervais01's Avatar


21 May, 2023 04:43 PM

Hi, I opened my beatunes and a "repairing database" window popped up and a few hours passed and nothing happened. Im not sure id I should force quit (I do not want to corrupt my database) or wait more time (the pictures shows that nothing has happened since I oopened the app. Also now my whole computer is getting really slow, almost freezing.
Thanks for your help

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by hendrik on 22 May, 2023 08:36 AM

    hendrik's Avatar
    „Repair” happens when beaTunes either detected a database error or it was killed (unclean shutdown).

    If repair takes forever, feel free to kill it. However, you may have to rebuild the database then.

    Am 21.05.2023 um 18:45 schrieb brunogervais01 <[email blocked]>:

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    // Please reply above this line

    From: brunogervais01 <[email blocked]>

    Hi, I opened my beatunes and a "repairing database" window popped up and a few hours passed and nothing happened. Im not sure id I should force quit (I do not want to corrupt my database) or wait more time (the pictures shows that nothing has happened since I oopened the app. Also now my whole computer is getting really slow, almost freezing.
    Thanks for your help

    Having trouble reading this? View this discussion online: repairing database.

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  2. 2 Posted by brunogervais01 on 22 May, 2023 01:05 PM

    brunogervais01's Avatar

    Hi Hendrik, thanks for your response. I let the app ooen overnight and it finally finish the task. It did take forever as you said but it worked at the end. Thanks again!

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by hendrik on 28 May, 2023 09:18 AM

    hendrik's Avatar

    Well, I’m glad that worked out!

    Repair is a lot better than “Rebuild.”



  4. hendrik closed this discussion on 28 May, 2023 09:18 AM.

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