Songs in Beatunes library gone and Apple library doubled
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* beaTunes: 5.2.28
* JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
* Version: 11.0.15+10-LTS
* Vendor: BellSoft
* OS: Mac OS X 12.5, x86_64
* Library:
* Memory: 92m - 3072m
* Registered as: Zed Starkovich
I thought your app was great as it was analysingand infecting my library, but I just woke up to all the songs missing from the Beatunes library, and all the songs and playlists in my Apple Music library doubled.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by hendrik on 30 Aug, 2022 08:15 AM
Hey Zed,
any idea what you’ve asked beaTunes to do? Can you please upload your logs (from within beaTunes -> Help -> Upload Logs)?
2 Posted by Zed Starkovich on 30 Aug, 2022 08:38 AM
The logs have been sent.
Beatunes was analyzing my 90,000 song library for BPM and other info and submitting the inspected changes to my Apple Music library. It completed overnight and my Apple music library now lists every song and playlist twice.
Beatunes is also unbearably slow to use and doesn’t list my sing in its library now.
Sent by Pony Express
Support Staff 3 Posted by hendrik on 30 Aug, 2022 10:27 AM
Hi Zed,
thank you for the logs.
Looks like you chose a bunch of options. Like mood, segmentations, fingerprint, etc. The more options you choose the longer analysis takes. Additionally, some of these tasks are CPU-bound, some are disk-bound and some are network-bound.
I don't see anything in the logs that would explain this. When you check your hard drive, do you see duplicate songs there? If so, what do the last modification timestamps say?
Is this while beaTunes is still analyzing? Does a beaTunes restart speed things up?
Can you send a screenshot of what beaTunes shows, please? Is there anything in the filter field (top right corner)? Any error messages?