Missing File search not erasing

Hein Hoven's Avatar

Hein Hoven

11 Dec, 2020 10:26 PM

After performing a missing file search, I'll come up with a bit over 2k of missing songs.When I try to perform an erase they do not go.
I can do a refresh and they are all still there.
( 1.8 TB iTunes libabry
Beatunes 5.2.16
MacOS 10.15.7
MacBook Pro 16
8 core i9
32gb 8core

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by hendrik on 13 Dec, 2020 12:50 PM

    hendrik's Avatar

    Hey Hein,

    did you verify that the files are in indeed missing in iTunes?



    PS: Sync with iTunes/Music libraries is very slow in v5.2.16. This will be better (again) in 5.2.17. Just a heads up!

  2. 2 Posted by Hein Hoven on 13 Dec, 2020 01:06 PM

    Hein Hoven's Avatar

    Hey Hendrik,

    Yes i verified.
    Good news about .17 being faster Hope it gets rid of missing files as well :)

    Hein Hoven @

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by hendrik on 13 Dec, 2020 01:10 PM

    hendrik's Avatar

    When I try to perform an erase they do not go.

    How exactly do you perform the "erase"? Are you aware that you first apply solutions and then, in a 2nd step, commit them (see for example here)?


  4. 4 Posted by Hein Hoven on 13 Dec, 2020 02:09 PM

    Hein Hoven's Avatar

    I tried both ways….
    Hundreds of individual clicks
    As well as apply solutions then commit.

    The action was instant when wiping missing files under the commit command. Felt like no action was taken at all.
    I did get a beach ball while trying to execute that command as well

    Hein Hoven

  5. 5 Posted by Hein Hoven on 13 Dec, 2020 02:18 PM

    Hein Hoven's Avatar

    Hein Hoven


  6. Support Staff 6 Posted by hendrik on 14 Dec, 2020 08:57 PM

    hendrik's Avatar

    Hey Hein,

    thanks for your logs. I took a look and it seems that beaTunes is working as it should. I.e. it sends the necessary delete message to Music.app.

    But you are saying that the library entry in question keeps on existing in both beaTunes and Music?

    E.g. according to the logs, the entry corresponding to /Users/heinhoven/iTunes Music/Jan92016/iTunes Media/Music/Compilations/Dusty Fingers Volume 08/12 Atlantis 1.mp3 (which does not exists) was deleted via the following AppleScript:

    tell application "Music"
    delete   «class cFlT» id 458490 of «class cLiP» id 64 of «class cSrc» id 63 
    end tell

    Is this the only thing that is not working or do you observe other anomalies?



  7. 7 Posted by Hein Hoven on 16 Dec, 2020 04:17 PM

    Hein Hoven's Avatar

    Perhaps I’m doing this wrong? I’ll do a pictorial….





    And everything is still there

    Am I doing something wrong?

    Hein Hoven

  8. 8 Posted by Hein Hoven on 16 Dec, 2020 08:05 PM

    Hein Hoven's Avatar


    My Bad… I didn’t realize that it would take almost 5 hours to complete this task. I thought it would be
    A couple of minutes at most.

  9. Support Staff 9 Posted by hendrik on 17 Dec, 2020 12:11 PM

    hendrik's Avatar

    Hey Hein,

    My Bad… I didn’t realize that it would take almost 5 hours to complete this task. I thought it would be a couple of minutes at most.

    And that's how it should be. 5h is certainly not acceptable.

    I have looked at your logs again, found why this is taking so long, and re-organized the code a bit.

    Can you please download and install the current dev snapshot from https://www.beatunes.com/download/beaTunes-5-2-18-SNAPSHOT.dmg , try this again and upload a set of logs afterwards (via Help -> Upload Logs in the application)

    Thank you,


  10. 10 Posted by Hein Hoven on 17 Dec, 2020 03:45 PM

    Hein Hoven's Avatar

    I’d be happy to but you’ll have to wait.
    Loaded big sur onto laptop and it’s
    Crashed me. Have to bring it in

    Hein Hoven @

  11. Support Staff 11 Posted by hendrik on 17 Dec, 2020 03:58 PM

    hendrik's Avatar

    I’d be happy to but you’ll have to wait.

    No hurry.

    Loaded big sur onto laptop and it’s Crashed me.

    Oh darn.

    Good luck!

  12. Support Staff 12 Posted by hendrik on 22 Dec, 2020 05:47 PM

    hendrik's Avatar

    Actually, please simply skip the snapshot and instead upgrade to 5.2.18.

    Happy Holidays!

  13. 13 Posted by Hein Hoven on 25 Dec, 2020 05:44 PM

    Hein Hoven's Avatar

    Hi Hendrik,

    I’m hoping you have a life and am not reading this on Christmas Day?!

    I did download 5.2.18 and now it’s been synchronizing library for 2 days?
    Admittedly it’s large @ 1.4tb but…it doesn’t seem normal to me.

    Merry Christmas

  14. Support Staff 14 Posted by hendrik on 26 Dec, 2020 09:59 AM

    hendrik's Avatar

    I’m hoping you have a life and am not reading this on Christmas Day?!

    You wish!

    Don't you know that Christmas is the official Repair-Your-Relatives-Computers holiday?! ;-)

    I did download 5.2.18 and now it’s been synchronizing library for 2 days? Admittedly it’s large @ 1.4tb but…it doesn’t seem normal to me.

    That seems a little long.

    I assume you cannot get to the Help -> Upload Logs menu, but when you can, please upload logs and let me know.

    Anyhow, at what approximate percentage is it stuck?

    Merry Christmas!


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