Which Songs have Lyrics?

Terry's Avatar


24 Sep, 2020 04:13 PM

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I recently turned the function to add lyrics. There are many more songs in my library which I would like to run this on, in addition, quite a few fail to find lyrics. How do you know which songs have lyrics and therefore which ones to run for analysis? I don't want to run this for 20k+ songs, can't find any tags/flags associated with this field

* beaTunes: 5.2.13
* JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
* Version: 11.0.7+10-LTS
* Vendor: BellSoft
* OS: Mac OS X 10.15.6, x86_64
* Library: Music.app
* Memory: 92m - 2048m
* Registered as: Easymatics Ltd Terry Price

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by hendrik on 24 Sep, 2020 04:17 PM

    hendrik's Avatar

    There is no (built-in) way to know this and admittedly the lyrics lookup feature in beaTunes is not great. It basically does a web search and pastes the (re-formatted) results. Your mileage may vary.

  2. 2 Posted by Terry Price on 24 Sep, 2020 06:01 PM

    Terry Price's Avatar

    Thanks the prompt response. Seems like I need to look at running controlled batches to cover the library.

    Sent from my iPhone

  3. 3 Posted by Terry Price on 05 Oct, 2020 09:49 AM

    Terry Price's Avatar

    Hello Hendrik,

    I went through my whole library and didn’t get that much success on finding lyrics, interesting in some cases that I actually got lyrics in German. It does seem as well as Lyric search has to find an exact match for example ’song title’ and ’song title (remaster)’ will result the first getting a hit and the other not. Feels like it needs a fair bit of improvement.

    I am only noticing this now because I have actually gone through a complete sort of 20k plus songs, so it’s actually a learning experience as well.

    There are multiple other things I do to get my import songs ready and for use when imported into Apple Music Library that it quite laborious if it could be done inside beaTunes as I have to launch separate tools.

    I am also curious to understand the tag gain feature, currently I use “iVolume” to normalise the volumes as it doesn’t overwrite any tags but uses the Apple iNORM value. It seems BeaTunes has a similar feature, and I am wondering how it works as I currently have iVolume set with default setting and a +5.5 gain. Am I right in my reading that beaTunes can provide the same function? Not clear how similar adjustments can be made to match iVolume settings
    I use Tag Editor to set the Release Date as although Music let’s to see this value it doesn’t let you write to it, but when you purchase Apple Music it does. I have discovered it’s actually used by Music, as they want you to purchase from them, it also means you can adjust track years to match actual dates for items like compilations which is extremely useful when you want music in real date order rather than compilation date.

  4. Support Staff 4 Posted by hendrik on 06 Oct, 2020 07:38 PM

    hendrik's Avatar

    Hey Terry,

    I cannot comment on what exactly iVolume does. The of volume normalization as it applied to beaTunes is described on https://www.beatunes.com/en/itunes-replay-gain.html

    beaTunes also does not change the audio content of your files. Instead it sets two different kinds of tags: the proprietary iTunNORM tag that iTunes/Music-SoundCheck uses and the open ReplayGain tag that may or may not be honored by your music player.

    Am I right in my reading that beaTunes can provide the same function?


    Not clear how similar adjustments can be made to match iVolume settings

    Not knowing iVolume all that well, I have not idea.

    beaTunes implements several different standards you can choose from.

    Hope this helps,


  5. 5 Posted by Terry Price on 30 Dec, 2020 11:32 AM

    Terry Price's Avatar

    This comment was split into a new discussion: Migration to M1

    Hello Hendrik,

    I am going to be upgrading my MacBook Pro to an M1 model shortly, my assumption is that this is supported for the current version of beatunes, is that correct?

    My understanding is that beatunes maintains a database rather than embedding items into song files. If so, do I need to migrate the current beatunes database or can these tags be embedded I have mainly MP4a and MP3 files.

    Sent from my iPhone

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