beatunes crash on 10.6.2 Java SE6

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15 Jan, 2010 12:06 PM

Hi, after the beaTunes' updgrade version 2.1, i can't us it...everytime i try to open it, it crashes!
Here's the log error:

1/15/10 12:54:46 PM [0x0-0x36036].com.tagtraum.beaTunes[628] [JavaAppLauncher Warning] Java application launched from PPC or bad stub. Relaunching in 32-bit, and tagging sub-processes to prefer 32-bit with $JAVA_ARCH=i386.
1/15/10 12:54:46 PM [0x0-0x36036].com.tagtraum.beaTunes[628] [JavaAppLauncher Error] This process is [i386] and was re-exec'd from [i386], but for some reason we are trying re-exec to [].
1/15/10 12:54:46 PM [0x0-0x36036].com.tagtraum.beaTunes[628] [JavaAppLauncher Error] unable to find a version of Java to launch

i have a macbook pro 10.6.2 with Java SE 6 1.6.0_17 (Apple upgrade on 12-03-2009).
what can i do?

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by hendrik on 15 Jan, 2010 12:09 PM

    hendrik's Avatar


    what are your Java Preferences for Applications set to?


  2. 2 Posted by info on 15 Jan, 2010 12:13 PM

    info's Avatar

    Java SE 6 64-bit as first and Java SE 6 32-bit as second...

    i tried switching 64-bit with 32-bit but no solve...

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by hendrik on 15 Jan, 2010 05:39 PM

    hendrik's Avatar

    The log says that beaTunes started... what happened then?


  4. 4 Posted by info on 17 Jan, 2010 04:40 PM

    info's Avatar

    the icon on the dock jumps twice than the application closes and icon disappers! if do you try reopening the application, it's making the same "error"...??? incredible!

  5. Support Staff 5 Posted by hendrik on 17 Jan, 2010 05:28 PM

    hendrik's Avatar

    Yes, weird.

    So - at this point, you tried this multiple times, I suppose - can you please send me "fresh" beaTunes logs (I should be able to see whether it actually got that far multiple times) as well as fresh system logs (the ones you send me initially).

    This is just a hunch, but maybe installing beaTunes fresh from the website solves the issue.


  6. 6 Posted by info on 18 Jan, 2010 08:29 AM

    info's Avatar

    the question now becomes more "incredible" because i tried to "delete" beatunes logs and the application crashed before creating a new log...

    the only log available is the system log "Jan 18 09:19:51 rorschach [0x0-0x2e02e].com.tagtraum.beaTunes[623]: [JavaAppLauncher Warning] Java application launched from PPC or bad stub. Relaunching in 32-bit, and tagging sub-processes to prefer 32-bit with $JAVA_ARCH=i386.
    Jan 18 09:19:51 rorschach [0x0-0x2e02e].com.tagtraum.beaTunes[623]: [JavaAppLauncher Error] This process is [i386] and was re-exec'd from [i386], but for some reason we are trying re-exec to [].
    Jan 18 09:19:51 rorschach [0x0-0x2e02e].com.tagtraum.beaTunes[623]: [JavaAppLauncher Error] unable to find a version of Java to launch
    Jan 18 09:19:51 rorschach[483] ([0x0-0x2e02e].com.tagtraum.beaTunes[623]): Exited with exit code: 1"

    if i try to re-open the application it crashes istantly! Re-installing the application makes me the same error.... i see that the last version that i can use on my mac is the 2.0.19...

  7. Support Staff 7 Posted by hendrik on 18 Jan, 2010 10:01 AM

    hendrik's Avatar


    this is actually more in sync with what I expect to see than the beaTunes log that suddenly simply stops.

    In this case, beaTunes does not crash - it just never starts, because the Java launch mechanism in OS X does not find an appropriate Java VM.

    Can you please send me a screenshot of your Java Preferences?



  8. 8 Posted by info on 18 Jan, 2010 10:45 AM

    info's Avatar

    yeah, i think that beaTunes never starts too...i just attach the screen shots!
    ps. sorry for my bad english!

  9. Support Staff 9 Posted by hendrik on 18 Jan, 2010 11:03 AM

    hendrik's Avatar


    thanks for those screenshots and your English ist really just fine :-)
    (not a native speaker myself - would German be better for you?)

    Anyhow - in the Java general preferences for Java Applications (not plugins) please drag the 64 bit version of Java 6 up, os that it appears before the 32 bit version (right now your order is 32bit, then 64bit).

    Then try beaTunes again. If it does not work again, please try with a fresh copy from the website. I suspect that OS X remembers certain things about apps and want to make sure you have a clean start.



  10. 10 Posted by info on 18 Jan, 2010 11:12 AM

    info's Avatar

    i'm italian so i think it's better english =)

    i made what you asked me to do, i putted 64 over 32 on Java Applications...
    (screenshot added).... i installed the ultimate version by downloading it from the site....
    it bounces twice on dock, and poof! disapper....

    system log error:

    Jan 18 12:11:29 rorschach [0x0-0xc10c1].com.tagtraum.beaTunes[1938]: [JavaAppLauncher Warning] Java application launched from PPC or bad stub. Relaunching in 32-bit, and tagging sub-processes to prefer 32-bit with $JAVA_ARCH=i386.
    Jan 18 12:11:29 rorschach [0x0-0xc10c1].com.tagtraum.beaTunes[1938]: [JavaAppLauncher Error] This process is [i386] and was re-exec'd from [i386], but for some reason we are trying re-exec to [].
    Jan 18 12:11:29 rorschach [0x0-0xc10c1].com.tagtraum.beaTunes[1938]: [JavaAppLauncher Error] unable to find a version of Java to launch
    Jan 18 12:11:29 rorschach[483] ([0x0-0xc10c1].com.tagtraum.beaTunes[1938]): Exited with exit code: 1

    maybe Steve Jobs can help us? i must add him on facebook ahhahaha =)

  11. Support Staff 11 Posted by hendrik on 19 Jan, 2010 11:23 AM

    hendrik's Avatar


    I just went back and looked at the logs again that you sent me a while ago.
    The one start that produced a log was from the disk image - and that's why it failed. You cannot start beaTunes from the disk image, it has to be installed on your hard drive. So please drag the app to your application folder after downloading and before starting.

    Does that already fix the issue?

    Well, let's assume it does not.
    Typically I still develop in 10.5 and only test on 10.6, but I went back and tested a fresh copy of beaTunes straight from the website and it runs perfectly on my 10.6.2 system.

    The error you are seeing indicates some problem with the Java application launcher. Let's try to see what you actually have installed...

    So, please install beaTunes in your Applications folder (or whatever it is named in Italian).
    Then open a Terminal window and enter:

    cd /Applications/
    file beaTunes2

    What's the output?
    Now type:

    java -version

    What's the output of that?

    Now, in Finder CTRL-Click on the beaTunes2 application and select Get Info (or the Italian equivalent). Please take a screenshot of the window that now appeared and send it my way. Something you can check right away: Is the "Open in 32bit mode" checkbox checked or not (it must not be checked)?

    Also, did you ever install a Java Development Snapshot or mess in any other way with your Java configuration?

    And last but not least - what processor do you have installed? Is it 64 bit capable?



  12. 12 Posted by info on 19 Jan, 2010 11:40 AM

    info's Avatar

    i found the problem:
    on the "Get Info" it was checked "Open in 32bit mode"! Now, without the checkbox, it runs very well!!!! DAAAAAMN!!!
    Thank you very much =)

  13. Support Staff 13 Posted by hendrik on 19 Jan, 2010 11:43 AM

    hendrik's Avatar

    Glad that is finally sorted out!


  14. hendrik closed this discussion on 19 Jan, 2010 11:43 AM.

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