"Add to library"
"Add to library" doesn't. Getting pretty frustrated at how buggy this thing is.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by hendrik on 14 Jan, 2020 10:41 AM
Hey Jack,
Based on your other posts, I am guessing this is on Windows 7 using an iTunes-based collection, right?
I assume you're selecting some tracks and then what happens? Nothing? Even after you synchronized manually (File -> Synchronize)?
If synchronization does not help, could you please repeat the process and then upload your logs via Help -> Upload Logs?
2 Posted by Jack on 15 Jan, 2020 01:25 AM
Windows 10 Home using an iTunes-based collection.
I select tracks and nothing happens. Nothing at all. The synchronization helped. The box popped up in the upper right corner asking me if I want to analyze the songs I just added. After I have them analyzed and it says it's done, the new songs don't show up in my library, and my song total doesn't change. Weird thing is, the new songs show up in iTunes.
3 Posted by Jack on 15 Jan, 2020 02:02 AM
I just closed the program, opened it back up, and synchronized again. Then the new songs showed up. So, I have to do all that every time I add music?
Support Staff 4 Posted by hendrik on 15 Jan, 2020 08:05 PM
No, that would be super-annoying. Thanks for making me aware of the issue. Please update to beaTunes 5.2.5—it should fix the issue.
Background: when beaTunes works with iTunes, it indeed adds the new files to iTunes and then re-reads the new state from iTunes. What went wrong was two things. 1) beaTunes attempted to read the state too soon. iTunes hadn't created a new XML dump yet, so the new tracks did not show up. 2) Even after the XML contained the new tracks, beaTunes failed to rebuild all playlists (the library is also just a list). The fix now waits for a new XML file to be available (which can take a little while) and then correctly rebuilds all playlists.
Please let me know, if 5.2.5 resolves the issue.
5 Posted by Jack on 16 Jan, 2020 12:43 AM
Download the newest version, dummy. DUH!
Works like a charm now. Apologies for calling your program buggy.
Support Staff 6 Posted by hendrik on 16 Jan, 2020 08:05 AM
No no. You were right calling it buggy.
There was a bug in earlier versions and I was only able to fix the issue after you made me aware of it.
Thanks again. And thanks for confirming that the issue is resolved now.
7 Posted by jack P on 01 Aug, 2021 02:02 AM
This comment was split into a new discussion: install Beatunes on a new computer.
Hey sir, question... I had to download and install Beatunes on a new computer. Are my settings and my library saved somewhere, or am I going to have to load and analyze everything again?
hendrik closed this discussion on 01 Aug, 2021 11:20 AM.