Java exception errors
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if you experienced a crash or other abnormal behavior, you might want to attach log files from /Users/gbrooks/Library/Logs/beaTunes
- beaTunes: 2.1.0
- JVM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
- Version: 14.3-b01-101
- Vendor: Apple Inc.
- OS: Mac OS X 10.6.2, x86_64
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- beaTunes.log 4.74 MB
- system-error.log 2.55 KB
- MacBook_Pro.spx 2.59 MB
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Support Staff 1 Posted by hendrik on 29 Dec, 2009 11:44 AM
Thanks for the logs.
Unfortunately, it's only the last little bit - I would be able to see more, if you zipped the whole logs folder and sent me the whole thing.
Any chance you remember the exact wording of the Exception? Or better, can send me a screenshot?
However, one thing I can see, is that you probably encountered SAXParseExceptions while importing lyrics. This is usually due to faulty data coming from the server. I have contacted them regarding this issue and hope it is solved soon.
2 Posted by George on 29 Dec, 2009 04:08 PM
I have attached the logs, but I am sure that you are correct that the
problem is with
Support Staff 3 Posted by hendrik on 30 Dec, 2009 02:44 PM
Hi George,
thanks for the logs. I checked them out and indeed there were some lyricsfly problems in there. However, I also talked to the lyricsfly people and they say they fixed the problem you were seeing. So hopefully things are fine now.
Thank you,
4 Posted by George on 31 Dec, 2009 12:49 AM
Thanks for the super fast response. It does appear that everything is
working now. I really like the program, but I am still having one problem.
Is there a way to force songs to use the album that I want? I have a bunch
of "Albums" from the Time-Life Series and I accidentally changed the album
name. However, when I use your program to analyze the songs, the program
wants to put most of them in a different album. Some of the songs have the
correct album name, so the program is aware of the album. Is there a
setting I can change?
Thanks again,
Support Staff 5 Posted by hendrik on 31 Dec, 2009 10:24 AM
Hi George,
you write "However, when I use your program to analyze the songs, the program
wants to put most of them in a different album." - I'm not sure what you mean with that. Do you mean analysis or inspection (two different concept in beaTunes)? And what exactly does the program want? I mean, in case you are talking about inspection, which inspection are you talking about?
Have a fun New Year's Eve!
6 Posted by George on 01 Jan, 2010 01:40 AM
Happy New Year,
When I use the analyzer to fill in missing information or replace
information for a "known" album, some of the tracks are assigned to
different albums. If I use Get Info, and look at the suggestions underlined
in red, some tracks show the correct album name, most do not.
If manually type in the correct album name and leave the track information
blank, the track numbers will change. I am assuming that the track numbers
are being changed to their place on a different CD.
Support Staff 7 Posted by hendrik on 01 Jan, 2010 10:10 PM
Hey George,
what I don't understand - when you know the correct album and it is already set, why do you let the analyzer replace the album?
But the general problem seems to be that the tracks in question has been released multiple times. Currently, beaTunes picks one of the releases and unfortunately there is no way of influencing which one.
8 Posted by George on 02 Jan, 2010 01:57 AM
Good Evening,
I know the album because these are my sets of MP3s that I lost most of the
information for. I know the album and the track number, not the track names
or artists (on compilations). I am using your program in an attempt to
rebuild the data.
hendrik closed this discussion on 01 Jun, 2011 05:47 PM.