folder based library looses dates added

Andrew Northcote's Avatar

Andrew Northcote

04 Jun, 2019 04:24 PM

This has happened to me on several occasion since version 3. I switch between iTunes directory (via beatunes) to a folder based library regularly but sometimes beat tunes seems to forget the date which things are added and sets the date for everything in the library to the same date.

This is frustrating as when listening back to recently acquired tracks I prefer to have them organised by date added and it helps me create a mental map through my tracks this way too.

Is there something I'm doing wrong? It seems like it just overwrites the old data on startup sometimes.

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by hendrik on 05 Jun, 2019 04:12 PM

    hendrik's Avatar

    Any chance you have changed the path names substantially? Or perhaps folder names? Then you are basically pulling out the rug from under your files and it becomes difficult to track them. They might have been deleted and then re-added.

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