beaTunes song list is empty (or worse)
My most consistent problem is that beaTunes doesn't show any songs after launching a few times, just an empty list. I've gotten it to work again by uninstalling the app, database and plist files, then reinstalling and setting up from scratch. I've done this every couple weeks for the last few months. The empty list problem always returns and beaTunes seems to be working worse and worse in general. I'm on version 5.1.9 with a 2015 5k iMac running OS 10.13.6. I have a fairly large iTunes Library around 30,000 songs. beaTunes performance has always been very slow to sync, scroll and quit then often just dead.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by hendrik on 15 Sep, 2018 01:01 PM
Sounds like the internal database is broken.
Can you reach the "Tools" menu and choose "Repair Database"?
2 Posted by Andy Stewart on 16 Sep, 2018 01:25 PM
This comment was split into a new discussion: Analysis of iCloud library fails.
I downloaded beaTunes 5.1.9 last night onto my Mac running Mac OS 10.13.6. I had beaTunes use my iTunes library, which is generated using Cloud-based Apple Music. When I select "Analyze," nothing happens. The Analyze pane is empty. I tried repairing, and then rebuilding the database, but it made no difference.
Support Staff 3 Posted by hendrik on 16 Sep, 2018 04:36 PM
@Andy: I have created a separate discussion for your question as it has noting to do with the original question. Please see