Couple of bugs
1. If you experienced a crash or other abnormal behavior, please attach the log file '' by dragging it from your desktop onto the 'Attach File' button below. (I clicked the "upload logs" button, so you should have them.)
2. Couple of bugs. First, when I select very many songs (probably over 3000), they... flicker. All the text disappears for a few milliseconds, then comes back. The flickering continues even AFTER I deselect the lots of songs. It stops eventually. 2nd, I cannot, for the life of me, rename playlists that I create with beatunes. I right click then click rename and... nothing. I do it again and wait for a full minute, and nothing. It never lets me rename it. Neither of these affect performance to my knowledge, just thought you'd like to know. Thanks for the great program, I love it!
* beaTunes: 5.1.7
* JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
* Version: 25.152-b5
* Vendor: JetBrains s.r.o
* OS: Mac OS X 10.13.5, x86_64
* Library: iTunes
* Memory: 92m - 4G
* Registered as: Kyle Reeping
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1 Posted by Kyle on 23 Jun, 2018 07:52 PM
You don't... actually have to respond to this, I don't NEED these things fixed, I was just letting you know of the problem... and didn't know how to just tell you "hey these things are weird!"
Support Staff 2 Posted by hendrik on 25 Jun, 2018 02:56 PM
This is exactly the right way to go. I'll look into this. It shouldn't happen.
That said: The playlist name is shown in two places. In the tree on the left and above the playlists, when it's active (along with duration etc.) In the latter location you can slow-click on the name and it becomes editable.
Support Staff 3 Posted by hendrik on 05 Jul, 2018 03:09 AM
Hey Kyle,
I did work some on this issue. Can you please try out the current dev-snapshot from
Also, I have a question: When you select thousands of songs—why do you do that? I'm trying to understand the usage scenario.
And when you do select thousands of songs, do you select all songs from a playlist or just most songs?
4 Posted by Kyle Reeping on 05 Jul, 2018 04:15 PM
I will test this when I get home today.
As per your question. When I was selecting thousands of songs, it was so
that I could analyze them or add them to a playlist (for library
purging/sorting purposes, not so much to listen to). Specifically, I
sorted my entire library by color or mood and selected all that DID NOT
have a color, then analyzed those. Because my library is so large and
analysis takes a good amount of time, I hadn't analyzed ALL of it the
first time I started beatunes. I had only analyzed playlists/artists I
was currently listening to. Also, for some reason if you have "use
online resources" selected, beatunes doesn't seem to analyze a song
manually (for color/mood) if it doesn't find it online. So I had a lot
of new songs that beatunes couldn't find color/mood info online, but as
soon as I unchecked "use online resources" it calculated the color/mood
just fine (most of the time.) So, many times I had to run the analysis
twice on certain songs. First using online resources for quickness, then
again on the songs that did not have a color/mood not using online
resources for completeness. I found this odd honestly, but I did test
it. (I found a song that I HAD analyzed but it didn't have a color (but
DID have a mood.) Then I analyzed it again without using online
resources and it filled in the color just fine.)
The second application of selecting thousands of songs was because of a
dumb mistake on my part. I had... renamed many of my songs behind
itunes's back (with a script) and therefore itunes couldn't find them. I
know... dumb. But beatunes can sort by file location, where as itunes
can not. So I synchronized beatunes with itunes, and sorted by file
location, which gave me every single file that itunes couldn't find
(either because the file location was the old location, or because the
file location was missing.) Using that, I dragged all of those to a
playlist, synchronized again with itunes, then used that playlist with
applescript (through itunes) to parse through the playlist and find the
file to ultimately modify the location data in itunes using a simple
string in string replacement technique in applescript or bash... I
honestly forget. (It worked!)
So in general, I'd say that "selecting thousands of files" isn't a daily
occurrence (hence why I stressed that this didn't have to be fixed.) It
only occurs for me when I'm trying to do very large library operations.
Say, fixing a mass problem with my library (missing files) or fixing
duplicates (yes, I had over 3000 duplicates, mainly because of my
renaming fiasco), or even trying to select ALL of my songs with a
certain genre to analyze. (I analyzed my "metal" music first, so I'd
just go through and select all of the metal genres. (Which totaled more
than 3000 ish songs))
Most of the time I was selecting PART of the library, and not an entire
playlist. (So 3000 out of 20000 songs) That is when I remember seeing
the flickering. I don't know if the flickering happens when I select an
entire playlist that's over 3000 songs long. However I will try and
report back tonight when I get home.
Kyle Reeping, PhD
[email blocked]
5 Posted by Kyle R on 06 Jul, 2018 02:55 AM
Ok. I tested the snapshot.
You fixed the playlist naming issue (thanks!). I can now rename it by slow
clicking on the playlist in the sidebar rather than just just the playlist
title (above the playlist at the top(ish)) of the window.
However, the flicker is still there, but at slightly higher "selected
songs" count. The flicker doesn't happen at 3000 songs now, it happens
~4500. Again, this REALLY isn't a problem. I'm long done having to select
that many songs. I was just pointing it out because it seemed odd!
I recorded a video of the flicker. Also took a screenshot of the "about"
screen. If I had thought about it, I would have recorded the about screen
(for mem usage) during the song selection. EDIT: So I actually went back
and wanted to simply observe what the mem usage was when I selected ~4500
songs and I noticed something... weird. The memory usage in the about
screen is all OVER the place. When I have ~4500 songs selected, the mem
usage jumps from 500 MB to 2000 MB then back again (and all over the place
in between.) I have max memory set at 4 GB because this computer has plenty
(32 GB).
Screen shot of about:
Video of flicker at ~4500 songs.
Hope this helps! Let me know if I can do anything else. (I love this sort
of stuff!)
Support Staff 6 Posted by hendrik on 06 Jul, 2018 03:51 PM
Thanks, Kyle—this is great feedback!
Regardless, whether you will use beaTunes this way ever again, I'm still interested in fixing these thing. I'm sure other people have noticed as well.
Support Staff 7 Posted by hendrik on 07 Jul, 2018 05:27 AM
Hey Kyle,
I think I have figured it out. Here's the latest snapshot: (same URL, but different binary).
8 Posted by Kyle R on 07 Jul, 2018 06:36 AM
Seems like you fixed it! I did notice a couple of things.
1. The flicker is.... mostly gone. It DID flicker ONCE, but I had something
like 12000 songs selected then (just for testing purposes). (Then it never
flickered again.) That leads me to my next point.
2. The "## of ##### songs selected" is gone. (What I would describe as the
Finder "Status Bar") I looked around for it, but couldn't find any settings
for it.
3. The program FEELS noticeably smoother when scrolling etc.
I did check to make sure that the flicker was still present in the old
version (current stable version) and it wasn't just spotlight indexing or
anything last time, and the flicker is STILL present in the old version.
I also recorded a video of this one, and showed memory use before/after
selecting lots of songs. Seems much more stable now!
Vid link. This is really funny, it seems when you "watch" a video in google
drive it uploads it to the youtube interface? Anyway, the video is high
quality, so if you download it (or give it a bit to upload... correctly)
it'll look decent.
Let me know if you need anything else!
Support Staff 9 Posted by hendrik on 07 Jul, 2018 02:55 PM
Thanks for testing!
The status bar should still be there...
When you restart beaTunes, does it re-appear? And is it's disappearance tied to selection operations?
I made some operations that show information in the statusbar asynchronous, so that they are computed a little after selection. If you selected 12000 songs, it may just still have been busy computing that information.
10 Posted by Kyle R on 07 Jul, 2018 03:19 PM
No the status bar seems to be gone completely from the most recent
snapshot. When I shut the snapshot down and restart the stable version of
beatunes, the status bar is there just fine, and considering that all of
these versions of beatunes seem to share the same pref. file, I don't think
it's my preferences. I selected ~10 songs and waited about 5 minutes and
the status bar is still gone (in the snapshot.) When I initially started
the program I noticed the missing status bar and tried to change to the
dark theme, but that didn't help. (Also how I learned they all shared the
same pref. file.)
For the record, I haven't really messed with beatunes since I looked at the
first snapshot you sent me, so all the settings are still exactly the same
as they were then. In fact, that computer has kinda just sat there since I
tested the other snapshot.
Hope this helps!
Support Staff 11 Posted by hendrik on 07 Jul, 2018 03:30 PM
In the latest snapshot:
Please turn the status bar off (via the View menu) and then on again.
Does the content appear now?
12 Posted by Kyle R on 07 Jul, 2018 04:09 PM
For a second there I felt like an idiot! I didn't know you could turn the
status bar on/off.
It revealed some interesting behavior though.
The status bar option (In the view menu) was "off". BUT I still had an
empty grey bar at the bottom of the beatunes window. (As you can see in the
video I sent last time.) So I then turned the status bar "ON". And nothing.
It didn't work. Still had an empty grey bar at the bottom of the beatunes
window. Then I turned it off again and the grey bar disappeared. Then on
again and the grey bar reappeared, but didn't show any text. THEN I clicked
on a playlist with only a couple hundred songs (instead of the main music
playlist) and voila! The status bar text appears. Then I went back to the
main window and the text is still there.
So, some weird behavior, but it is back now, and it seems to be persistent
through application restarts.
Support Staff 13 Posted by hendrik on 07 Jul, 2018 07:54 PM
Hey Kyle,
Thanks for testing. Any chance you can send me your logs via Help->Upload Logs?
14 Posted by Kyle R on 07 Jul, 2018 08:14 PM
Done! I uploaded from the snapshot beatunes. (The latest one you sent.)
Dunno if that matters.
Support Staff 15 Posted by hendrik on 09 Jul, 2018 03:25 AM
Thanks, Kyle.
I managed to work some more on this. The results are in the 5.1.8 I released today.
16 Posted by Kyle Reeping on 09 Jul, 2018 06:48 PM
Awesome! Glad I could help. It was a pleasure!
Kyle Reeping, PhD
[email blocked]