Imposible to active my upgrade

Eric bacourt's Avatar

Eric bacourt

07 Jul, 2011 06:58 PM

please enter your message to us here

if you experienced a crash or other abnormal behavior, you might want to attach log files from C:\Users\eric\AppData\Local\tagtraum industries\beaTunes\logs

  • beaTunes: 3.0.2
  • JVM: Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM
  • Version: 20.0-b11
  • Vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.
  • OS: Windows Vista 6.0, x86
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  1. 1 Posted by Eric bacourt on 07 Jul, 2011 06:59 PM

    Eric bacourt's Avatar

    Estimado(a) Eric bacourt:
    Ha enviado un pago por valor de $31,95 USD a tagtraum industries incorporated mediante PayPal.
    Este cargo aparecerá en el extracto de su tarjeta como PAYPAL *TAGTRAUMIND.
    Información del vendedor
    tagtraum industries incorporated
    [email blocked]

    Instrucciones para el vendedor

    No se han proporcionado
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    N.º de artículo: beaTunes-2.x-win
    first_heard: Google, first_heard_other: $31,95 USD 1 $31,95 USD
    Seguro: ----
    Total: $31,95 USD
    N.º de recibo: 4565-5810-7489-0458
    Conserve su número de recibo como referencia para el futuro. Lo necesitará si necesita ponerse en contacto con el Servicio de Atención al Cliente de tagtraum industries incorporated o con PayPal.

  2. Support Staff 2 Posted by hendrik on 08 Jul, 2011 09:42 AM

    hendrik's Avatar


    what is the problem?


  3. 3 Posted by Eric Bacourt on 08 Jul, 2011 09:57 AM

    Eric Bacourt's Avatar

    My code received buying the version 2 is no more valide.
    I imagine that upgrading my beatunes 2 to beatunes 3 my code is no more valide.
    As I don't see how to pay for the up grade I will desinstal the version 3 to put back the last version 2.
    Confirm please that it can be my trouble.

    -----Mensaje original-----
    De: hendrik [mailto:[email blocked]]
    Enviado el: viernes, 08 de julio de 2011 11:42
    Para: [email blocked]
    Asunto: Re: Imposible to active my upgrade [Problems]

  4. Support Staff 4 Posted by hendrik on 08 Jul, 2011 10:03 AM

    hendrik's Avatar


    you are correct - your beaTunes 2 code will not work for beaTunes 3.
    However, you can purchase an upgrade for $11.95 from

    Hope this helps,


    PS: Downgrading to beaTunes 2 you will probably loose key, color, etc. data that is in beaTunes internal database.

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