Error Starting Beatunes3

smcamp4's Avatar


03 Jun, 2011 03:26 AM

Looks like a java error

"a fatal error occured during initialization: java.lang.ExceptionInitializerError"

I'm running WIndows7

Hope this helps.


  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by hendrik on 03 Jun, 2011 09:55 AM

    hendrik's Avatar


    please go to C:\Program Files (x86)\beaTunes3\lib and rename com4j.dll into com4j-x86.dll. You might have a to act as Administrator to do this.

    Does that solve the issue?



  2. 2 Posted by smcamp4 on 04 Jun, 2011 03:29 AM

    smcamp4's Avatar

    Working now. Thanks. Now I'm getting the run out of java memory error when it starts making the changes. I have a large database and this happened with the last version, but I wasn't sure what setting was changed to fix it.
    ------Original Message------
    From: hendrik
    To: Shawn Camp
    ReplyTo: [email blocked]
    Subject: Re: Error Starting Beatunes3 [Problems]
    Sent: Jun 3, 2011 4:55 AM

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by hendrik on 04 Jun, 2011 10:59 PM

    hendrik's Avatar

    Hi Shawn,

    there are two files beaTunes3.l4j.ini and beaTunes3.l4j.ini.template in the beaTunes program installation directory. Both have a line starting with -Xmx.

    To increase the memory beaTunes gets, increase the value following -Xmx.



    This line needs to be changed in both files.
    Does this help?


  4. 4 Posted by smcamp4 on 21 Jun, 2011 02:31 AM

    smcamp4's Avatar

    Never was able to change those even while set as administrator. But now I'm getting a new error that doesn't even finish loading beatunes without erroring out.

  5. Support Staff 5 Posted by hendrik on 05 Jul, 2011 01:19 PM

    hendrik's Avatar

    Hi Shawn,

    it looks like your database got corrupted due to an unclean shut down or crash. The easiest way to recover from this, is to delete the database, i.e. deleting the directory C:\Users\Shawn\AppData\Local\tagtraum industries\beaTunes\database\. Unfortunately, this this means you would loose all keys, colors, etc. that are not embedded in your files (option in General Prefs).


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