Incorrect Track Names

Tom Wigginton's Avatar

Tom Wigginton

24 Nov, 2010 02:23 AM

I imported a cd to iTunes that didn't have track information. When beaTunes analyzed the songs, it correctly added the names of the songs, artist, album, bpm, key, time, etc. (This excited me.) When I imported a 2nd cd and subsequently a 3rd, it gave all the new songs the same names, artist and album as the first cd (The track 1 songs all had the same name, the track 2 songs all had the same name . . .). The bpm, key and other data were correct however. I've deleted the tracks, reimported them, reanalyzed them and got the same result.

I've searched the menus, help topics, forum and faq and can't find anything resembling an answer. Please help! Thank you.

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by hendrik on 24 Nov, 2010 08:13 AM

    hendrik's Avatar

    Hi Tom,

    the key, BPM etc. import uses a different mechanism than the name, album, artist import, which would explain, why one works, but not the other. Name, artist etc. are imported from MusicIP/AmpliFind, a third party service.

    Unfortunately, I can't say anything about why this failed without the logs. tells you where to find them and how to send them.



  2. 2 Posted by Tom Wigginton on 24 Nov, 2010 07:08 PM

    Tom Wigginton's Avatar

    Thanks so much for your reply. Attached are the logs. Happy Thanksgiving!

    --- On Wed, 11/24/10, hendrik <[email blocked]> wrote:

    From: hendrik <[email blocked]>
    Subject: Re: Incorrect Track Names [Problems]
    To: "[email blocked]" <[email blocked]>
    Date: Wednesday, November 24, 2010, 1:13 AM

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by hendrik on 26 Nov, 2010 08:39 AM

    hendrik's Avatar

    Hi Tom,

    I checked out the logs, but unfortunately the do not contain any information about the actions you took anymore. Any chance you could start beaTunes reproduce the issue, shut down beaTunes and send me fresh logs?



  4. 4 Posted by Tom Wigginton on 26 Nov, 2010 04:18 PM

    Tom Wigginton's Avatar

    I was afraid of that! Here are the logs again plus screen snapshots of 3 different playlists that exhibit the problem. You'll see that the track names are the same but the rest of the data is different. The songs are actually all different.
    Thanks for your help with this.

    --- On Fri, 11/26/10, hendrik <[email blocked]> wrote:

    From: hendrik <[email blocked]>
    Subject: Re: Incorrect Track Names [Problems]
    To: "[email blocked]" <[email blocked]>
    Date: Friday, November 26, 2010, 1:39 AM

  5. Support Staff 5 Posted by hendrik on 27 Nov, 2010 09:17 AM

    hendrik's Avatar

    Hi Tom,

    I think I know what's going wrong..
    Let me confirm, that you did the following (in exactly this order):

    • import a CD with iTunes
    • use beaTunes to identify the songs
    • import next CD with iTunes
    • use beaTunes to identify the songs
    • ...

    Now, what I think happens is:

    • iTunes imports the songs and calls them /Users/Vitruvius/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Music/Unknown Artist/Unknown Album/01 Track 01.m4a (obviously other numbers for other tracks)
    • beaTunes identifies the songs, tells you about it. The tool beaTunes uses to identify the song has a so called cache. In this thing it saves the information it looked up for your files.
    • beaTunes tells iTunes to change album/artist/etc. This causes iTunes to rename the file.
    • you import the second batch. And because the first batch has been renamed to the recognized names, the very same song names are available and therefore used.
    • beaTunes uses the id tool again and this tool first checks its cache. And, voila, in there it finds data for all those files you want data for (because they have the same name). So it does not even look up the data online, but uses what it already thinks it knows.

    If this is really the heart of the issue, here's how you can work around it:

    • import many songs into iTunes before letting beaTunes identify them - that way iTunes chooses different file names for different songs.
    • before asking beaTunes to identify songs, delete the id tool's cache. Yours is a simple file called /Users/Vitruvius/Library/Caches/musicip/cache.m3lib - just delete it, while beaTunes is not running.

    I will disable the cache in the next minor update - obviously it doesn't make a whole lot of sense in this context.

    I hope this solves the issue,


  6. 6 Posted by Tom Wigginton on 29 Nov, 2010 03:34 PM

    Tom Wigginton's Avatar

    Thanks very much for your work on this. I will try your solution and let you know how it goes. It sounds like a good plan.
    Thanks again!

    --- On Sat, 11/27/10, hendrik <[email blocked]> wrote:

    From: hendrik <[email blocked]>
    Subject: Re: Incorrect Track Names [Problems]
    To: "[email blocked]" <[email blocked]>
    Date: Saturday, November 27, 2010, 2:17 AM

  7. 7 Posted by Tom Wigginton on 29 Nov, 2010 06:46 PM

    Tom Wigginton's Avatar

    Just had some time to try your solution. It half worked!
    I asked beaTunes to analyze new tracks that it had not analyzed yet. I stipulated that it should import missing data from MusiciP. That didn't appear to do anything so, I re-anaylzed the new tracks and requested that it replace existing song properties and that correctly populated song title, artist, etc.
    However, I haven't been able to get beaTunes to correct the previously named tracks that were done incorrectly. I even changed all the track information in hopes it would initiate the analysis all over again. This did not work. 
    I have access to one of the original cds. I could simply delete all these tracks and re-import and analyze but there are two cds I no longer have access to. This certainly isn't the end of the world but it would be convenient to fix.
    Thanks again for your assistance.

    --- On Sat, 11/27/10, hendrik <[email blocked]> wrote:

    From: hendrik <[email blocked]>
    Subject: Re: Incorrect Track Names [Problems]
    To: "[email blocked]" <[email blocked]>
    Date: Saturday, November 27, 2010, 2:17 AM

  8. Support Staff 8 Posted by hendrik on 30 Nov, 2010 10:16 AM

    hendrik's Avatar

    Hi Tom,

    the problem here is now, that some of your songs are associated with the wrong PUIDs -and at this point, there is no way to delete them in beaTunes, but by deleting the whole database. If you have nothing important in the internal beaTunes database (keys, BPM, language, color), you could just delete it by following the directions in

    Hope this helps,


  9. 9 Posted by Tom Wigginton on 01 Dec, 2010 03:15 PM

    Tom Wigginton's Avatar

    That solved everything. Thank you very much for your help.

    --- On Tue, 11/30/10, hendrik <[email blocked]> wrote:

    From: hendrik <[email blocked]>
    Subject: Re: Incorrect Track Names [Problems]
    To: "[email blocked]" <[email blocked]>
    Date: Tuesday, November 30, 2010, 3:16 AM

  10. Support Staff 10 Posted by hendrik on 01 Dec, 2010 03:25 PM

    hendrik's Avatar

    Good. It's certainly not a neat solution, but it works.


  11. hendrik closed this discussion on 01 Dec, 2010 03:25 PM.

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