
Jenny Trick's Avatar

Jenny Trick

07 Sep, 2010 03:56 AM

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I have recently purchased beaTunes and I am greatly unsatisfied with it. It will inspect my library and i will go through clicking all the solutions and then when i click commit solutions it freezes. This doesn't happen everytime but every couple times it happens.

if you experienced a crash or other abnormal behavior, you might want to attach log files from /Users/jennytrick/Library/Logs/beaTunes

  • beaTunes: 2.1.12
  • JVM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
  • Version: 16.3-b01-279
  • Vendor: Apple Inc.
  • OS: Mac OS X 10.6.4, x86_64
  • Registered as: Kevin Trick
  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by hendrik on 11 Sep, 2010 10:28 AM

    hendrik's Avatar


    it looks like beaTunes 'hung' on moving a file to the trash. Was there perhaps an open Finder dialog? Does the file /Users/jennytrick/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Music/My Favorite Highway/Unknown Album/02 Unaware.mp3 still exist?



  2. 2 Posted by Jenny Trick on 20 Sep, 2010 06:10 AM

    Jenny Trick's Avatar

    No that file does not exist anymore

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by hendrik on 20 Sep, 2010 08:49 AM

    hendrik's Avatar

    I guess at this point, you don't know, if there was an open Finder dialog, right?

    I've been working on some related issues and there is a current development snapshot out that might fix this issue. Could you please try and let me know, if you are still experiencing any issues?



  4. 4 Posted by Jenny Trick on 21 Sep, 2010 01:59 AM

    Jenny Trick's Avatar

    Thanks I downloaded 2.1.13 but it doesn't seam to be recognizing any duplicates

  5. Support Staff 5 Posted by hendrik on 21 Sep, 2010 07:36 AM

    hendrik's Avatar

    Can you give an example?
    Are both files that you deem to be duplicates enabled (i.e. is that little checkbox in front of it on in iTunes)?


  6. 6 Posted by Jenny Trick on 22 Sep, 2010 04:02 AM

    Jenny Trick's Avatar

    I took a screenshot of what happens, as you can see on the left there are duplicate "1000 julys" by third eye blind and duplicate 11PM by nickasaur. I went into preferences and the duplicates option is enabled.

  7. Support Staff 7 Posted by hendrik on 22 Sep, 2010 08:00 AM

    hendrik's Avatar


    thanks for the screenshot. Indeed beaTunes misses those two duplicates.

    Here's why:

    In the first case the song lengths differ by 10s. beaTunes has a built-in threshold for different song lengths. I.e. if the lengths are too different, the songs are considered two different songs, not duplicates. 10s is unfortunately just over that threshold (+-4s from the median of all candidates).

    In the seconds case the difference is smaller, but the title is spelled differently enough to make beaTunes think this is a different song. The deciding factor here is the extra space before pm.

    However, at least the second issue can be worked around, by fetching MusicIP PUIDs for all your songs. To do so go to beaTunes' Tools menu and select Get MusicIP PUIDs.

    PUIDs allow beaTunes to determine whether a song is a duplicate or not regardless of its title. Unfortunately, as the PUIDs are created and administered by a third party service, I can't make any promises as to whether this works 100% or even in this particular case. But if you want to find duplicates, first fetching the PUIDs is a really good idea. And since your library isn't all that big, it won't take that long, either.

    Generally, it's often a matter of opinion, whether a song is really a duplicate or just a different version of the same song.

    I hope this explains the issue.


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