Artist in Title not working as it should
I have some songs in my library where the part of the artist field is in the title field of the track as duplicate information (e.g., "Song (with artistB) by artistA, artistB"). When I use the Artist in Title (under Title Issues) inspection, these do not show up. It seems like the only ones that do are those where the Artist or Album Artist matches in the title in its entirety (i.e., not when there are multiple artists, and some but not all of them are in the title, or perhaps in a different order; I use a "," separator between artists for collaborative tracks).
This is a more general problem of not recognizing multi-artist breakdowns, such as finding differences in artist spelling/style (e.g., "Deadmau5, Kaskade" vs. "deadmau5, Wolfgang Gartner")
There are also valid cases where the artist is in the title (e.g., "Song (artistA VIP Mix) by artistA")
Hopefully this makes sense and is something that can be addressed in a future update. If not, please provide some suggested regex string and a programming language where this can easily be inspected/modified.
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