mp3 files can't be opened by Quicktime after analysis

Balazs's Avatar


03 Apr, 2023 08:35 PM

I used Beatunes (5.2.31) to analyze my audio library to estimate danceability of the songs. Quicktime (10.5 (1154.4.2)) now refuses to open roughly 1 out of every 20 songs in my Music library. (The Music app and Beatunes have no problem playing the songs.) Upon renaming the files Quicktime can open them again, but this is a big problem..

I'm attaching an example file that Quicktime refuses to play. Any solution to this issue? Thanks!

(System specs: 13 inch 2020 4 Thunderbolt port Intel i5 2Ghz quad core Macbook Pro, Ventura 13.3, Music app

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by hendrik on 04 Apr, 2023 02:09 PM

    hendrik's Avatar


    no, I'm sorry, I don't know how to solve this from the top of my head. This is very weird and hasn't been reported before. Are only files with accents in the filenames affected?


  2. 2 Posted by balazs.gyenis on 05 Apr, 2023 01:12 PM

    balazs.gyenis's Avatar


      Thanks for the quick reply. No, there are other affected files that do
    not have accents. Upon further reflection, this problem may be (also?)
    linked to me updating to Ventura 13.3 last week - is it possible that
    Beatunes interacted with the new update in this unexpected way?


    On 2023. Apr 4., Tue at 16:13, hendrik <[email blocked]>

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by hendrik on 20 Apr, 2023 08:17 AM

    hendrik's Avatar

    No, there are other affected files that do not have accents.

    Well, than it's probably not the filename.

    Upon further reflection, this problem may be (also?) linked to me updating to Ventura 13.3 last week - is it possible that
    Beatunes interacted with the new update in this unexpected way?


    Can you post an sample file that illustrates the issue that does not have any special characters in its file or path name?


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