Not assessing downloaded non-DRM files
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I have sent logs just now. I have Apple Music, and have tried online and not online resources. It is finding BPMs from 'online' but I can't get it to actually listen to / assess audio from downloaded purchased files without DRM. It just runs through all the files without actually playing any of them to assess its estimated BPM. Any ideas?
* beaTunes: 5.2.31
* JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
* Version: 11.0.17+7-LTS
* Vendor: BellSoft
* OS: Mac OS X 13.3, x86_64
* Library:
* Memory: 92m - 2048m
* Registered as: Julian Bashford
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Support Staff 1 Posted by hendrik on 22 Feb, 2023 10:14 AM
Hey Julian,
Can you please give an example? I.e., a filename I could look for in the logs, for an audio file that you expect beaTunes to analyze, but that just "ran through".
Also, did you see any error messages in the analysis panel?