tag:help.beatunes.com,2009-07-24:/discussions/problems/18047-upgrade beaTunes: Discussion 2011-04-07T12:31:56Z tag:help.beatunes.com,2009-07-24:Comment/5034128 2011-01-30T22:50:14Z 2011-01-30T22:50:14Z upgrade <div><p>I have snow leopard - I just need to figure out how to enter my key.</p> <p>Betsy</p> <p>On Jan 30, 2011, at 2:44 PM, beaTunes wrote:</p> <blockquote> <p>Hey Betsy Wells,</p> <p>thanks for your email. It's been added to the queue and I'll be taking a look as soon as I can. Usually, I try and respond to requests within 24 hours.</p> <p>Based on your email, our helpdesk system believes you should check out the following articles in our FAQ:</p> <ul> <li> <p>"Communication with iTunes fails" at <a href= "http://help.beatunes.com/kb/troubleshooting/communication-with-itunes-fails"> http://help.beatunes.com/kb/troubleshooting/communication-with-itun...</a></p> </li> <li> <p>"I updated beaTunes and now my key does not work anymore" at <a href= "http://help.beatunes.com/kb/license-issues/i-updated-beatunes-and-now-my-key-does-not-work-anymore"> http://help.beatunes.com/kb/license-issues/i-updated-beatunes-and-n...</a></p> </li> </ul> <p>If this email is about a beaTunes bug, please make sure you let me know, which versions of beaTunes and iTunes you are using. Also, please let me know, what operating system version you are using.</p> <p>I'll send an email to you (at <a href= "mailto:blwells@comcast.net">blwells@comcast.net</a>) when I update your request.</p> <p>Thank you!</p> <p>tagtraum industries incorporated <a href= "http://www.beaTunes.com/">http://www.beaTunes.com/</a> <a href= "http://www.tagtraum.com/">http://www.tagtraum.com/</a></p> </blockquote></div> Betsy Wells tag:help.beatunes.com,2009-07-24:Comment/5034128 2011-01-30T22:53:32Z 2011-01-30T22:53:32Z upgrade <div><p>Hi Betsy,</p> <p>please start beaTunes, open the Help menu and click on Register to enter your key.</p> <p>-hendrik</p></div> hendrik