API - Track recommendation from seed
I'm evaluating Beatunes and noticed the API. Is there an API call to pass a track to BeaTunes and for it to respond with recommended tracks that match a certain filter or criteria? Are there any examples of this? Would it be best as a plugin or BeaTlet?
Thanks in advance
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Support Staff 1 Posted by hendrik on 09 Feb, 2023 03:08 PM
Hey Charlie,
the class you should use is SimilarityMatcher. More specifically,
. You should probably passnull
. Unfortunately, I cannot point you to a great example right this moment, but please let me know, if you have any concrete questions.plugin vs. beaTlet: Creating a Java plugin may be easier, simply because tool support (e.g. IntelliJIDEA) is much better (you can point your IDE to the api docs, code completion etc.). On the other hand, beaTlets can be quicker to write. If you choose the beaTlet route, I recommend to use Groovy as language.
Sorry for the late answer...